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News – Watchman’s Report, May 2015

Latest News Impacting End Times

Angel Separator

  • The supreme judicial branch of the world nation of Canada struck down that nation’s ban against doctor-assisted suicide.
  • A school board located in a state called, Florida, located in the world nation of United States, has banned Bible distribution in their schools claiming that it is to prevent forced distribution of other literature of a less desirable nature, such as satanic works.
  • The world nation of India arrested 200 Christians for protesting attacks against their churches.
  • The world nations of Iran and Russia signed a military cooperative alliance. This adds to the reemerging biblical nation of Magog. You all will recall that this territory, and its peoples, is continually subject to the dark prince spirit named the spirit of World.
  • The world nation of Iceland plans to build a temple to an idol, the false god, Norse.
  • The present leader who exercises measured dominion over the particular peoples of Earth, called Catholics, now declares that the belief system which subscribes the false doctrine of evolution to be true.
  • This same leader has granted official diplomatic recognition of a nonexistent world nation called, “Palestine.”
  • Ignoring warnings of our Sovereign, the world nation of United States continues its slide into fiscal ruin. Choices of the governing leaders continue to ignore the warning signs we have been commanded to post.
  • The particular people, called Methodists, continue to see their numbers decline. You will recall that their founding fathers, John and Charles Wesley enjoy a place of rest within our kingdom. We hope to interview them for inclusion in a future Troupe News release to learn their reactions.
  • The peoples of the world nation of Germany have determined that they are weary of so much discussion of their treatment of our Sovereign’s chosen people during the period in their history called the “Holocaust.”

Angel Separator

We ask that you, our covenant partners, continue to hold fast and refuse to be shaken by these troubling events. Remember that these things have been foretold and must be, but the promised end is imminent.

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